HOME > The latest information on intellectual property > "WIPO Green" effective for environmental technology transfer has started up (Ⅰ)

"WIPO Green" effective for environmental technology transfer has started up (Ⅰ)Japanese companies cannot survive in this situation.

Tkashi Sawai (Japan Economic Federation Deputy President of Intellectual Property Committee / Vice-President of Miyoshi & Miyoshi / Patent Attorney , JPAA ID NO. 9195 )

Mr. Yuichiro Kawamura (Managing Director, Japan Intellectual Property Association / Chief, Intellectual Property Division, Honda Motor Co, Ltd.)

Mr. Naoto Kuji (Advisor, Intellectual Property Division, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.)

The concept and structure advocated by the Japan Intellectual Property Association as a framework of environmental technology transfer has started up concretely as "WIPO-Green" run by WIPO which is one of the UN International Agencies.......
